Morocco is a country full of culture and ancient civilization. Across the Moroccan history, hosted this country many coming from the Middle migrations (Phoenicians, Jews and Arabs), and South (Sub-Saharan Africa), and North (Romans, Vandals, Moors and Jews). The impact of each of these groups on the social structure of Morocco as it includes many of the beliefs, Kalahudyh, Christianity and Islam. The area has all the Moroccan specificities, and thus contribute in making mosaic Moroccan culture and cultural heritage, where he developed the Kingdom as a priority the preservation of cultural heritage and the protection of diversity and specificity.
Architecture in Morocco
The architecture of traditional Moroccan Islamic Arts prestigious, are all tall Alon creativity, art and innovation and publicly here shed light on some of those creations of Morocco and the creative arts in architecture, including the following:Bishop carved wooden carved wood frequently used in Moroccan style is reflected clearly whether furniture or ceilings or wooden doors and still retain the Bishop of Moroccan houses the private nature Almmaz.aljbs Moroccan art of engraving on plaster in Morocco of ancient arts, but more prominence shroud aims to beauty, and bring the beauty of architecture.
Uses mosaic offering fees and colors These small pieces of mosaic offers versatile infinity of forms which may suggest us the moon or sun or sky shine Star, It is interesting that all these pieces combine upside down and prove cement and lime to be mosaics that adorn the walls of the palaces, mosques and columns and basins and fountains.
Folk dances of Morocco
The folk art whatever the types and patterns linked to the environment and the community that created it. And that because the Moroccan folklore has its own peculiarities in creativity. Divided Moroccan folklore into several sections, the thing that increases the importance and reputation in nature and abundance in quantity and quality, and thus find dances, paintings such as: "Songs and Music," the rule and the likes, fairy tales and myths "Mahajpat ... popular Ozleat"
folklore region in oblivion counter: Because of technical pens are not aligned with the Moroccan folklore in all its forms and in various colors and conditions of, receptor also noted public opinion in the region that there have been cool in this area in terms of blogging, we do not find a single word about the eastern folklore that gives us another look from the folklore Moroccan whole. There is a lack of documentation in spite of the large number of what we hear about mirth machine and Andalusian music.
To be continued