Travel planning is very important, certainly without it , the traveler will face to many problems , and thus the travel loses his pleasure !
So you must follow these steps to planning the program of your travel .

1 - Select a destination and determine the timing of travel :

You must specify where you want to go specifically , taking into account the distance between your home and the destination.
And you must determine the appropriate time for the trip , so that must be symmetric timing with the destination, because that's very important .

2 - The way for travel and the place to stay :

After selecting the destination and the time , you must select the appropriate airline , so you should follow up to see the offers and the discounts . And must also identify the hotels in that destination by Internet .

3 - The Collecting luggage : 

You must focus on the important things and appropriate for the traveler and also appropriate for the weather of the destination .

4 - Determine the tourist places :

Because of lack of planning for what the tourist wants to view , we have the problem of loss the time, so you must specify the places you want to see them in advance .

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